• Stepping into Spring

    Wow – I can feel my energy rising as days become longer and finally warmer…. So now is the time to Spring Clean – yes -this starts with me – now is the time really stop all those little bad habits that have crept in over the long winter months – for me it’s just Continue reading »

  • Juicing to the next level

    Of course, I’ve juiced vegetables, fruits, berries, and even grown wheat grass to juice ensuring a fresh supply of wonderful phyto- nutrients. I highly recommend juicing as a means to optimise your intake of essential nutrients. However, like most people, my life is busy and and I can not commit to juicing on a daily Continue reading »

  • New Year by a Naturopath

    Feeling very uplifted and positive about a new year … and already feeling better for getting back to an exercise regime and regular healthy eating after indulgences of Christmas. In fact it feels like having a clean page and I’m realising our lives are just a story – we have a choice as to to Continue reading »

  • Winter Soltice by a Naturopath

    As darkness falls in the mid afternoon, twinkling Christmas lights brighten our hearts with the anticipation and excitement of seasonal festivities. However, it is in the countryside with the stark silhouette of bare trees against the winter sky, flocks of roosting birds and the beauty of the sunset and winter sky which truely lifts my Continue reading »

  • As a Naturopath

    As a Naturopath, it is important for me to embrace the changing seasons. Therefore, as the days become darker and colder, I would like to share with you some of my tips to help you to stay warm, positive and well during the coming winter months. It’s time to enjoy all those seasonal coloured root Continue reading »

  • Fight Those Winter Bugs!

    Gathering blackberries in early morning Autumnal sunshine and sprinkling on breakfast porridge, mueslie or blending in a smoothie is one of my joys of Autumn. Rich in anti oxiadants, such as anthocyanin, flavenoids, carotenoids and phenols, berries have been shown to be better than isolated vitamin supplements to boost immunity. Again Nature is providing us Continue reading »

  • Maintain Healthy Rituals

    Feeling great after early morning run & meditation in beautiful autumnal sunshine! However, I realise that such healthy rituals are not always easy to maintain. Sometimes it’ s poor sleep & consequent tiredness which makes a few more minutes under the duvet seem a better option or its just a feeling that there are too Continue reading »

  • Appreciate All That Harvest Brings

    Well, sunny September days feel like a real bonus – especially after the cloud & rain of early summer. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, late summer is the time of the spleen energy, meaning your digestion. For me this always fits so well with the harverst season, the early morning fragrence of autumn harvest & freshly Continue reading »

  • Day 10 of 10 day liver detox

    Well, feeling very pleased to get through a very socialable week end drinking beet root juice instead of red wine! – it was actually very easy …. Gradually increasing vegetable protein – pulses, lentils soya and reducing liver support supplements. Sleeping well,feeling calm, good energy, all previous bloating and fluid retention has disappeared, skin looks Continue reading »

  • Day 5 of 10 Day liver detox

    Well, I’ve gradually eliminated all acidic foods & am now just having vegetables, organic fruit, seeds, nuts and brown rice……lots of herbal teas & lemon in water. However, its also essential to support phase 1 and phase 2 liver pathways with vitamins, minerals & amino acids – so I’m also taking Nutri Ultra Clear Plus Continue reading »